Want to visit The Journey Exhibition?

The Journey exhibition will take you through a series of rooms, each marking a key stage in Leo’s Journey from 1930s Nazi Germany to his escape to the UK. His diary footage will guide you through his thoughts and feelings and you will have the opportunity to watch survivor testimonies in each room.

Who is Leo?

Leo is a composite character based on Holocaust survivor testimonies. Through his story, visitors explore how the lives of Jewish children changed under growing Nazi persecution. Leo’s story culminates when his parents decide to send him to safety in the UK on the Kindertransport following the November Pogrom in 1938.

What will you experience?

You will be immersed in another time and place completely free of text labels and with the focus on sensory learning. What do you see? Which objects would you like to pick up and examine? What can you smell? How does Leo explain his experiences through every step of his journey? How can your choices effect the lives of others?

What makes The Journey special?

It is the only exhibition of its kind in Europe designed for primary schools. Leo’s journey unfolds in seven rooms, comprising his home, school, street, tailor shop, hiding space, train carriage and refuge.

You will explore what life may have been like for a Jewish child refugee at this time through:

  • watching video excerpts from Leo’s fictitious diary;
  • being immersed in historic rooms;
  • picking up and examining props based on objects from the time; and
  • watching footage of survivor testimonies.

Please select from the options below based on whether you are interested in a school visit or you are a member of the general public.